
The AutoVI dataset consists of six classes corresponding to real inspection scenarios on automotive production lines.

For all classes, the images were taken on our manufacturing plant's production lines. The cameras were set up at varying distances from the object depending on the object photographed and the object's environment, so that they could be installed without blocking the movement of operators around the inspection area. Different lenses have been used for the photographs. The test images show a variety of defects depending on the category of items. Some defects represent a missing part or a misplaced item, such as tank-screw or under-body pipes, while others show defective items (pipe_clip). Some images also show operators that block the inspection area (underbody-pipes)

All defects have been created manually and designed to look like real defects. They have all been corrected after the shooting.

Click here to download the dataset (v1)

Click here to access the evaluation script

The following shows several images taken from the AutoVI dataset. Segmentation masks were overlayed on the defects when applicable.

AutoVI: Uncropped images (v0)

We propose a version of the dataset (v0) which does not include cropping and resizing operations. This version still offers ground truth segmentation masks.

Click here to download the dataset (v0)